The International Association for Robin Hood Studies is sponsoring the following sessions at the 60th International Congress on Medieval Studies:
Session 186 (Virtual): Care and Caring in the Robin Hood Legend and the Outlaw Tradition
Presider: Lesley Coote, Independent Scholar
Organizer: Anna Czarnowus, Uniw. Śląski w Katowicach
Maid Marian: Boldly Caring for Self and Others
Sherron Lux, International Association for Robin Hood Studies
“What’s your reward for all this?”: Affective Messaging in the Robin Hood Tradition
William J. F. Hoff, Univ. of Melbourne
The Honor of a Noble Outlaw: Banditry and Piracy in Venetian Dalmatia
Marco Rampin, Libera Univ. Maria SS. Assunta
Care and Emotions in “A Lyttel Geste of Robyn Hode”
Anna Czarnowus, Uniw. Śląski w Katowicach
Session 444 (Virtual): Expanding Our View of Sherwood: Exploring the Matter of the Greenwood in Comics (A Roundtable)
Sponsors: Medieval Comics Project; International Association for Robin Hood Studies (IARHS)
Presider: Alexander L. Kaufman, Ball State Univ.
Organizers: Carl B. Sell, Univ. of Pittsburgh; Michael A. Torregrossa, Bristol Community College
A roundtable discussion with Michael A. Torregrossa, Bristol Community College;
Carl B. Sell, Univ. of Pittsburgh; Irene García Ruano, Univ. de Valladolid