“The Material Relevance of Robin Hood, ca.
1500-1900”, Leeds IMC, 4-7 July 2022.
This session examines (re)presentations of Robin Hood in the past, from the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century. It centres on the way in which creators of Robin Hood in image, performance, and story sought to make their subject relevant to their own contemporary audiences, and the nature of the relevance they presented. It also asks why these authors/creators used the Robin Hood persona/image rather than any other legendary, mythological, literary, or cultural icons from amongst a wide variety of other options that were available to available to them. Did he ever move from the marginal to the mainstream?
Papers are sought, of no longer than 20 minutes’ duration, on the above theme in relation to any period from the Middle Ages to the end of the nineteenth century, inclusive.
Please send a working title and an abstract of 100 words to Dr Lesley Coote by email at l.a.coote@associate.hull.ac.uk or coote081@gmail.com by 20th September 2020.